Saturday, April 23, 2011

Soldiers of Sorrow (intro)

As far as the eye could see, this world was at an end. Once Green, and brown and all the majestic colors of life. Now the Land scape of Rhamos was a pale dying red, and muskie black.
On Mt. Fyskal, Third Company held the Outpost "Ernia Veniotaras".
This Outpost was the only secure location into the Mother Land of The Monastery of the Apocalypse Angels, Simply known as "The Fortress".
Time and time again, Oraticar and his Company fought back the Tyranid Onslaught, but not alone.
Three tired, and under staffed Imperial Guard Regiments held their own banner with Oraticar, The Rhamora Guard and a small Titan Legio also, stood with the Marines.
Should this Outpost fall, the end of the Planet is assured.
With Winter setting in fast, anyone caught in the outpost would surely be lost.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Coven of Hell part II

Brother Grendel.
Once apart of the 9th Company, he actions were duely noted when he heroicly took it upon himself to hold the Room of Catharsis, one of the ways into the Fortress.
He and his Squad joined the Late Chapter Master Godric to the Reclusiam and ultimatly decided the fate of the War itself.

Brother Justarean.
Brother Seargent Justarean actions were viewed after he and his Scouts killed several key Tyranid Synaspe creatures all over the world. They strongly bolstered the defense of the Rhamorian Guard and the Legio Rhamotacicus.
Unfortuantly for he and his Squad, during a simple recon mission, they fell under attack by a huge reinforced Tyranid Warrior wave.
Fighting to the bitter end, each of his Scouts dying one by one, Scout Dynames being the last to die, right in the hands of Justarean during extraction.

Brother Dervex
He and his devistators held the main gate of the Fortress.
Only moving to fall back to the inner walls, they fought and died holding back the Tyranid threat.
Dervex was the only member left, but only just.
He is more augementics than Astartes, having only 15% of his original body left.

Brother Tyridimir
He and his squad, led one of the most succesful counter attacks against the main Tyranid advance.
Without his squad and the 7th company, the 8th and 9th Compaines defending the Fortress would have been lost for sure.
He was last of his squad when Company Champion Epolous fell from Captains Kausis view.
Seeing the hero of the Company tragicly fall, he fought through the Tyranid hord to recover Epolous's sword.
His promotion came through the voice of his Captain.

Brother Epion.
Originaly from the sacred 1st Company.
He and his squad held Godric's position when, he fell.
They also held the flanks of the anchient Dark Angel FellBlade "Rapturus Rex."